charlotte, north carolina, United States
The official blog of the Element community...Whether you're here or there, near or far, past or present - We're grateful to journey through life with you...Here you'll find some thoughts for the road as you seek to make some sense of it all. God is good, and His love and power change everything...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A quick thought on money...

Strange, isn't it, that when you don't have a lot of money, you can spend an awful lot of time thinking about it? I've been doing some hardcore budgeting lately, and with the tax deadline nearing, I've been doing one of my least-favorite activities, which is crunching numbers. Blecch. I'd rather sit through watching several hours of curling (can we all agree that any sport where your hair never gets messed up isn't really a sport?) But it really got me thinking about my money (and sometimes, the lack thereof), and how integral my attitude about my money is to my whole perspective on life. Of course, being in church ministry, tithing is something I have to think about, both for myself and for the health of the whole church. And certainly, just because I'm in a pastoral position, doesn't mean this concept of tithing has always been easy for me, personally. Now, I know we don't talk about this a whole lot at Element, but I came across this video the other day by Craig Groeschel, and I thought it would be a good one to share with you. Maybe it'll give you a new perspective on tithing, or on money in general. It was a good reminder for me in the middle of battling the decimal points :) Check it out here. Hope you have a great day!
Much love to you all!

1 comment:

  1. It's so true bro! Last month I gave the hardest tithe I've ever given. Not because it was a big tithe, but because I didn't have the money in my bank account to pay my actual tithe and pay my bills. So what did I do? I gave the tithe anyway and paid my bills in faith. I have no idea how I got through last month, but I never was without or felt deprived. I've got it all budgeted out and still doesn't make since. God is faithful!
